Zoella - Media language and representation
Zoella has rebranded herself to Zoe Sugg as she has grown older and changed as a person
Zoella primary account is marketed on youtube
Key terms:
Zoella primary account is marketed on youtube
Key terms:
- Homepage - the main page of the website
- Multimodality - Many forms of communication
- Hyperlink - Is something you click on to go somewhere else
- Hypermodality - Leads us from place to place
- 'Above the fold' - The idea that when designing a website it needs to be top heavy
- Thumbnail - preview image
- Footer - copyright and who site is deigned by etc
- Main navigation/ menu bar - Used to change from one place to the next, user experience
- Logo
- Carousel - The slider which moves screen down (scrollbar)
- Banner Ad - The Ads that come at the top of the site like a banner
- Search Box - Used to search other products (web 2.0, 'Above the fold')
- Social Media icons
- Hyperreality - more real than real
Theories we need to know:
Semiotics - Roland Barthes
Binary Opposition - Levi Strauss
representation theory - Stuart hall
Postmodernism - Jean Baudrillard
Theories of identity - David Gauntlet
Ethnicity and post colonial theory - Paul Gilroy
Gender perfomativity - Judith Butler
feminist theory (feminism is for everybody) - bell hooks
feminist theory - Lisbett Van Zoonen
Cultivation - Gerbner
Genre - Steve Neal
Narrative - Todorov
Zoella and vlogging:
- Voyeurism - looking in on someones life
- Positioning - where the audience are placed by the producer
- Paradigmatic of vlogging - binary opposition, breaking the 4th wall
- Amateur Aesthetic - Perfect house, very clean, looks at products and makes a lot of mistakes
- Codes of realism
- High Key lighting - Extremely professionally lit
- Single camera edit
- Innovation into private spaces - Getting an insight of her bedroom, being invited in
- Aspirational content
- Presenter POV - Looking through her eyes
- Unscripted narrative
- Use of post production filters
Claude Levi Strauss
- " a myth provides a logical model capable of overcoming a contradiction" (1958)
- Zoe Sugg can address a vast and anonymous amount of people
- The audience do a process called negotiation where they negotiate to contradictory paradigms
Postmodernism - Jean Baudrillard
"We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning"
Hyperreality - more real than real
Zoella is hyperreal, as she is everything a teenage girl would want to be, she's an ideal. Yet there is no sexual appeal or have any hobbies apart from fashion and makeup
simulation is no longer that of... substance. it is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal
- hyperreferentiality
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