music videos - week 2
Pulp - Babies (1994)
- montage of clips of setting
- long shot to introduce audience to the band, slowly coming into focus
- on screen text/ graphics - so the audience has an idea of whats going on, needs to be clear (inter-title)
- Mise en scene - Typical of Socio-political context - working class bedroom suggests target audience is working class audience
- Diegesis of sound is complicated (Diegesis - in the world of the narrative)
- Costume - refuses to conform with hegemonic codes
- close up - face is disinterested keyboard player - subversive of conventions of music videos
- utilisation of hand gestures - mode of address to audience
Convergence - the coming together of two previously separate media industries
why do music videos exist?
- completely new
- can get money (another way of advertising)
- creates new form of entertainment
- allows the product to target more audiences
- Music videos are easily shared by audiences (especially young people, who are always online)
Synergy - where the interconnections of media products leads to a result of more of the sum of its parts e.g. includes merchandising tie-ins, TV shows
MTV- an American cable channel that only showed music videos in the 1980s, gives the channel a new way of advertising to audiences
Music videos VS Cinema
MV- short mainly 3 mins Cinema - Normally 1hr30 or more
MV- Narrative fitted in a shorter time Cinema - Narrative progresses much slower MV- Edited to the beat Cinema - Film made first, music produced after MV- Don't have a trailer Cinema - Has film trailers
MV- the advert of the music Cinema - Film is a product
MV - Hyper energetic Cinema - film more laid back
MV - confusing narrative techniques Cinema -have to be less confusing
MV - fast paced editing Cinema - slower paced editing
MV - more direct mode of address Cinema - indirect mode of address
MV - appeal to younger audience Cinema - appeal to older audience
MV - free Cinema- pay to watch a film
Celebrity - someone famous - need to be well known for something (talent, or something they have done), they will have a bold personality or something that makes them stand out, seen as a role model, do something big. The attribution of glamorous or notorious status to an individual in the public Sphere.
Applause - Lady Gaga
High key lighting
Low key lighting
Metanarrative - refers to an overarching narrative or systems of beliefs that helps us to make sense of the world
- Science
- Marxism
- Religion
- Marriage
- montage of clips of setting
- long shot to introduce audience to the band, slowly coming into focus
- on screen text/ graphics - so the audience has an idea of whats going on, needs to be clear (inter-title)
- Mise en scene - Typical of Socio-political context - working class bedroom suggests target audience is working class audience
- Diegesis of sound is complicated (Diegesis - in the world of the narrative)
- Costume - refuses to conform with hegemonic codes
- close up - face is disinterested keyboard player - subversive of conventions of music videos
- utilisation of hand gestures - mode of address to audience
Convergence - the coming together of two previously separate media industries
why do music videos exist?
- completely new
- can get money (another way of advertising)
- creates new form of entertainment
- allows the product to target more audiences
- Music videos are easily shared by audiences (especially young people, who are always online)
Synergy - where the interconnections of media products leads to a result of more of the sum of its parts e.g. includes merchandising tie-ins, TV shows
MTV- an American cable channel that only showed music videos in the 1980s, gives the channel a new way of advertising to audiences
Music videos VS Cinema
MV- short mainly 3 mins Cinema - Normally 1hr30 or more
MV- Narrative fitted in a shorter time Cinema - Narrative progresses much slower MV- Edited to the beat Cinema - Film made first, music produced after MV- Don't have a trailer Cinema - Has film trailers
MV- the advert of the music Cinema - Film is a product
MV - Hyper energetic Cinema - film more laid back
MV - confusing narrative techniques Cinema -have to be less confusing
MV - fast paced editing Cinema - slower paced editing
MV - more direct mode of address Cinema - indirect mode of address
MV - appeal to younger audience Cinema - appeal to older audience
MV - free Cinema- pay to watch a film
Celebrity - someone famous - need to be well known for something (talent, or something they have done), they will have a bold personality or something that makes them stand out, seen as a role model, do something big. The attribution of glamorous or notorious status to an individual in the public Sphere.
Applause - Lady Gaga
- Hand gestures - mode of address
- Mise en scene - costume changes
- Mise en scene of her eye mask- symbolises secrecy
- Lack of costume connotes her boldness
- Goes against hegemonic rules by the way she dresses
- Mise en scene - she is in a cauldron connotes witch may mean she is an unpleasant person
- lighting/ key light is focused on Lady Gaga
- High key lighting connotes her importance
- Mise en scene of the flowers she is carrying symbolises she is the main attraction, the polysemic reading could be that this is the new reinvented her and the flowers connote the funeral
- Flowers could symbolise her fans love for her
- not wearing makeup subverts the norm
- consistent close up encodes lady gaga as a celebrity
- god with no true identity
High key lighting
Low key lighting
Metanarrative - refers to an overarching narrative or systems of beliefs that helps us to make sense of the world
- Science
- Marxism
- Religion
- Marriage
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