Adbusters exam question

"Genre conventions in magazines are completely informed by the social and historical context to which they are made" - Michael Collins
Evaluate this statement with reference to Adbusters **. Make reference to genre hybridity

  • Genre conventions - what makes a magazine, a magazine
  • Social contexts 
  • historical contexts - The context of the year written, so different views and ideologies 
  • Evaluate - strengths and weaknesses/ agree or disagree - Give your opinion

How to structure an Essay:
  1. Read the question. Underline the key terms 
  2. Gut reaction - What's your opinion? What argument will you make?
  3. Plan - On the answer paper! (social, historical, political ideologies, genre hybridity, financial)
  4. Introduction: CDA
-Context - society, Adbusters media foundation - 1st published 1989   
-Definition - Genre, Why is genre important? 
-Argument - Opinion

       5. Point (use from plan) - normally one sentence, Evidence (context - shift to terrorism)                        - central image stereotypical terrorist, meant to feel confusion- lacks cover lines, spray                        paint over masthead, Argument (theory) - Steve Neal, deliberate that Adbusters subverts                    genre conventions to be different 

      6. Conclusion - No new information, opinion needs to come through 


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