N.W.A - Fuck the police
Straight out of Compton - Official trailer
- Genre- hip hop/rap - gangster rap
- representation - Black people in America how they are treated by the police
- Debates
- Politics - racism from the police, campaign for rights
- mocks the court system
- Reappropriation
Straight out of Compton - Official trailer
- Music of N.W.A (with added piano- more dramatic)
- Target and maintain an audience - older teenagers interested in rap/hip hop music
- Biopic film - based on a true story
- older teenage girls who are interested in real life issues
- fast paced editing - has the WOW effect on the audience
- shows serious issues in society - social justice movements
- film is showing the criticism in society
- censored to appeal to wider audience
- has a more positive message then the original
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