ideologies and representation of newspapers

Newsworthiness - The process of selecting which stories to include in the news

If it bleeds, it leads - If a story is to do with death or murder it will be put on the front page

Broadsheet - bigger size, more formal, middle class audience

Tabloid - working class audience, more gossipy

Intertextuality - Things coming together, Where a media product makes sense only through its reference to other media products (Barthes also referred to this process as REFERENTIAL CODES)

Daily Mirror- Presidential election 

  • Disaster film, so its a disaster that Donald Trump is president 
  • The statue of Liberty represents America and the covering of the face suggests Americas regret and ashamed 
  • Use of a little blue sky showing shows whats left of bright America before Trump became president 
  • Apocalyptic - End of the world 
  • Concept of a world war
  • Looks like D-day
  • The small story uses "speeding" adds more excitement and more disastrous  

Newspapers are politically biased:
  • sometimes
  • journalist ideologies come through in their writing 
  • TV news must be apolitical 
  • American tv can be politically biased 
  • The newspaper base their stories on the majorities opinion  

Newspapers tend to offer a very negative view on the world:

  • Thats what people like to read
  • People are fascinated by those stories
Ideology is often used to describe the ways in which those in power use their power to distort meaning. It can be used to normalise the dominant ideas of the ruling class.

Left and right wing ideologies:

Left-wing beliefs are liberal in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government. From bottom up. NHS- National Health service 
Right believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role and especially the power of the government is minimised.

IdeologiesSocial Democracy; FederalismSocialism, Communism; Collectivism; MarxismCapitalism; Conservatism


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