Revision Component 2 - section A, Humans and Les revenants
"All genres exist and function through a process of repetition and difference " - Use Steve Neale's genre theory to explore this notion in Humans and Les Revenants. [30] Plan: camera work narrative Editing Genre fluidity mise en scene Introduction(DAC): Neale argues that the genre works through presenting a series of easily identifiable generic paradigms in order to ensure an audience. However, in order to maintain audiences over timer there is also a requirement for the producer to vary genre conventions. Thus all media products exist as a combination of the repetition and difference of genre conventions. I shall argue that both of the tv shows i have studied are simultaneously typical and yet atypical in the ways they present as genre. This is primarily to appeal to both a core and niche audience. In order to explore this I shall be using the examples of Humans , a 2015 channel 4 sci-fi UK Tv series, based off the Swedish sci-fi show real Hu...