Industry and Les Revenants
Glasgow Megasnake - Mogwai
- Atypical - they lack a lead singer, frontman, unconventional
- Name of band relates to the Christmas film about a Mogwai who transforms from something small and cute to something loud
- They created the soundtrack to Les Revenants
- Instrumental rock band (no lyrics)
- Songs are usually 20 mins long
- They own their own record label called Rock
By selecting Mogwai for Les Revenants...
- To attract the fans of the song
- This is an example of synergy as its attracts pre-existing audiences but gains new french/international audiences
- From this they get an image/association - subcultural capital
- Both Mogwai and Les Revenants have the same ideologies where they are a bit different
How does Les Revenants trailer target its target audience?
- Shows themes of violence
- Targeted towards English/international audiences and all the writing is in English
- British newspaper quote - Sunday Times
- Looks like an action tv show from the trailer due to montage
- Les Revenants is an atypical horror show which is hard to sell
- Les Revenant encourages the audience to take an active reading
- Les Revenants invites its target audiences to negotiate the reading
Another example of the merchandise is a tie in book to reach wider audiences
The Lake pub t-shirt allows fans to show they are a true fan
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