
Showing posts from November, 2018

Les Revenant and representation

- Represents older audience - Her outfit is quite smart showing her matureness compared to other characters - Looks more happy than the other - Represents young teen girls - She has been casted as she looks young yet the actor herself is 18 - Target audience of french teens can relate to her - She is quite covered up and smartly dressed for a teenager so an atypical representation so binary opposition from who she is to the way she looks - No make up make up look so she looks very natural - Binary opposition between Camille and the background - Camille is a complex representation - Her complicated character is represented in the complicated narrative - Represents parents and a grieving mother - plain simple clothes suggesting she doesn't take care of her appearance also relating to the grieving mother - stereotypical aspirational middle class mother - Appeal to heterosexual middle aged men in France - Middle age women will aspire to be her ...

Les revenant and exam structure

  Introduction (DAC) - D efinition - A rgument (Argue 1 way and stick to it) - C ontext 2012 Les revenants released Paragraphs (PEA) - P oint - E vidence - A rgument The words to include in the exam... - Polysemy - Hegemony - Intertextuality  - Ideology  - Negotiation (Stuart Hall) "In the 21st century, it is essential for Tv shows to offer multiple meanings"  - evaluate this claim with reference to Les Revenants  - Yes it is essential - Relates to cult Tv - Reception theory (Stuart Hall) -extreme long shot of road and bus - Setting - mountains, the alpes - interior mid shot of Camille sitting on bus - Camille is main focus has more screen time on the bus and is consistently framed in a montage of close up shots which positions the audience with the young Camille. Camilles age allows teenage audiences to invest - Suggests time has passed - Slow zoom from exterior to interior focused on butterflies in frame - Soundtrack by - Camer...

Les revenant and genre

The Returned  ( French :  Les Revenants ) is a French supernatural drama television series created by Fabrice Gobert, based on the 2004 French film  They Came Back  ( Les Revenants ), directed by  Robin Campillo . The series debuted on 26 November 2012 on  Canal+  and completed its first season, consisting of eight episodes, on 17 December. In 2013, the first season won an  International Emmy  for Best Drama Series. The second season, also comprising eight episodes, premiered on 28 September 2015 on Canal+. It premiered in the UK on 16 October 2015 on  More4 , and in the US on 31 October 2015 on  Sundance TV . Les revenants: - 26 November 2012 on Canal+ - Unite Kingdom 9th June 2013 on channel 4 - 2 Series, 8 eps each - Based on the French film They Came Back Les Revenants: - Many different arcs within Les revenants (different narratives)  - Unique and unconventional narrative  - The wh...
Humans vs real humans - Matilda in British version more unpleasant than in Swedish version - British version contains British stereotypes and Swedish one has Swedish stereotypes - Swedish version factory worker punches his wife so more shocking - Sweden may be more worried about domestic violence as portrayed a lot throughout the first episode - The bots in the factory represent foreign workers in Sweden - Synths are being used for prostitution more in Swedish version -
Henry Jenkins - Textual poaching  Star Trek fan video (Kirk and Spock) - ships two characters - Wants her story to come across Fan - a particularly active fan, they are active participants in the construction and circulation of textual meanings Fan sub - A subtitle file made by a fan


Regulation - The rules and restrictions that a media product needs to follow Why do regulations exist in television? The primary reason is so children don't see particular content that involves violence, taboo language and sexual things for children these things may be traumatising  The watershed - a voluntary time tv channels put shows with lack f restrictions (after 9) Audience theory: Active  Passive Harm and offence: Hurts people feeling or upsets them, could be blasphemy    Sonia Livingston and Peter Lunt: Media is getting harder to regulate due to digital technologies and the internet  Self regulation - parents can set pins and passwords so you can't watch certain things Scenes from Humans which may cause harm or offence: This may cause harm and offence as... - Kidnapping may trigger memories - depicts unconcious women being dragged away - Connotations of murder and sexual assault   This may cause h...

Persona synths

How does this product use intertextuality? Humans opening scene of the close up of eye relates to intertextuality in blade runner. Both are of the sci fi genre  and blade runner has lots of shots in the opening scene of an eye which is similar to the opening shot of the eye in humans. Humans: - A-typical of sci fi - Representations of slaves, gender roles and sexuality - Genre conventions: synths themselves (robotic), glowing eyes, robots but Humans is different as the actual synths are really like humans which presents an ideology to the audience who will think about and reflect on the nature of their existence - Postmodern text to make it more interesting  Marketing For Humans: Persona synths - Trying to sell the product - Creates a world where buying synths is made possible - The persona synthetics website allows the audience to explore the narrative of the show beyond the show. The packing slip is is a proairetic code suggesting something is going to go wr...


we all have our own version of reality Barthes - 3 codes - ways in which the producer can present meaning Simulacra - a representation of something that never existed Simulacra in Humans: - The synths themselves may be seen as simulacra - copies of "perfect" humans which do not really exist - The parallel world to our own is a hyperreality - it is the present or near future represented from a mediated perspective - It may be argued that the series itself is a comment on the attractions of the hyperreal over the real e.g. Joe's sexual attraction to Anita (example of a patriarchal ideology) "perfect woman" Jean Baudrillard - postmodernism - In postmodernism culture the boundaries between the real world and the world of the media have collapsed and that it is no longer possible to distinguish between what is reality and what is simulation What makes media products postmodern? Lady Gaga video: - referencing religion - christianity - representing...

mini mock

According to Claude Levi-Strauss, texts convey their meanings through a system of binary oppositions. Evaluate this structuralist theory. Refer to the set episodes of Humans. - Madonna and the whore (Anita and Niska) - Anita and Laura - Synth and Human - construction of gender In Humans one of the main binary oppositions is between Laura and Anita in the scene where Laura gets home and initially meets Anita. Laura's initial reaction to seeing Anita is not impressed the mid shot of Laura's face can tell the audience she is not impressed. A big focus on this scene is the construct on gender and especially on women and their roles within the household. Th long shot of Anita holding the cleaning products suggests that women's jobs around the house are domestic and they have a role to clean. The fact that Joe got Anita for this reason is a big construction on women that their purpose is to clean around the house. Laura's reaction implies that she feels like she has be...


Van Zoonen  - Male gaze - Underlying frame of reference that women belong to the family and domestic life and men to the social world of politics and work - Argues gender is constructed and that its meaning varies dependent on cultural and historical context - She suggests that masculinity as well as femininity is constructed - and that the codes used to construct men 'as a spectacle'  are different John Berger  - Men act, women appear - within a narrative it will be male characters who will drive the narrative forward Humans: - Ensemble cast - Protagonist - Anita - Around 20 main characters in first episode Story Arcs in Humans: - Hawkins family - Leo trying to find Anita - George and Odi - flashback Leo and Anita - Niska in the brothel - Fred in the plantation - Matilda struggle with synth in the house - Synths in the warehouse - Detectives wife and synth - Anita kidnaps sophie How is Leo constructed in confrontation seen? - Costume - casual,...

Representations of women and cyborgs

Cyborgs- half human/ half machine. A cyborg is like binary opposition because its both human and robot (two opposite things). Blade runner- SCOTT her skin is sliver (robotic) however her figure is identical to female. she's got  autonomy but is also automaton.  Autonomy-  having control over your own life. Automaton-  something/ someone with no control over themselves  (a robot for example). representation of things that don't exist. ideologies are related to beliefs- shown through representation.  Representation-  a producer shows something again- people, groups, society and their values and ideologies. Producers goal is to manipulate the audience into believing something or feeling a certain way about something. (cultivates an ideology into the audience's minds). What roles do women/ synths adopt in "Humans"? Maid/ housewife (domestic roles)/ butler/ care giver- they're all slaves as they d...

ScI-fi genre and sociohistorical context

Allegory  A Media Product that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. Zeitgeist  The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time. 'The spirit of the time' Godzilla  Godzilla represents the Americans bombing Japan  The dinosaur was used as the events were too raw only 5 years ago Invasion of the Saucer-men Russian spies were infiltrating American society  Aliens are the Russians Independence  day  global terrorism associated with the middle east Whitehouse represents whole of America Aliens attack first Humans Sci-Fi conventions... - Blue eyes - Robots (robotic speech, power on) - Artificial intelligence - Synth factory, clean blue mise en scene - Stiff performance of a robot Why its unconventional.... - very realistic real world setting Allegorical aspects of humans: - Sexualisation - Sexual exploitation - Modern sl...