
Showing posts from February, 2019

Zoella - Media language and representation

Zoella has rebranded herself to Zoe Sugg as she has grown older and changed as a person  Zoella primary account is marketed on youtube  Key terms: Homepage - the main page of the website   Multimodality - Many forms of communication  Hyperlink - Is something you click on to go somewhere else  Hypermodality - Leads us from place to place  'Above the fold' - The idea that when designing a website it needs to be top heavy  Thumbnail - preview image Footer -  copyright and who site is deigned by etc Main navigation/ menu bar - Used to change from one place to the next, user experience  Logo  Carousel - The slider which moves screen down (scrollbar) Banner Ad - The Ads that come at the top of the site like a banner Search Box - Used to search other products (web 2.0, 'Above the fold')  Social Media icons Hyperreality - more real than real Theories we need to know: Semiotics - Roland Barthes Binary Opposition...

introduction to Online Media

Online Media - Media which is distributed using the internet Digital technology is the reason separate industries have been brought together Digital Convergence   BBC has radio which also uses podcasts now due to digital convergence Youtube is a video streaming website which combines video game industry with music video industry etc, started in 2005 and was made possible through advances in storage and broadband internet Vlogging  = Documenting your life, the activity or practise of posting short videos to or maintaining a vlog Blog  = weblog  Micro blogging  = Twitter, short updates about your life The target audience for vlogging is young people/teenagers. vlogging is part of Participatory culture , where the audience is the producer Shirky - end of audience  Vlogging has become one of the most influential forms of media. Recent research shows 42% of internet users have watched a vlog within the last month, rising to 50%  for...