Zoella - Media language and representation
Zoella has rebranded herself to Zoe Sugg as she has grown older and changed as a person Zoella primary account is marketed on youtube Key terms: Homepage - the main page of the website Multimodality - Many forms of communication Hyperlink - Is something you click on to go somewhere else Hypermodality - Leads us from place to place 'Above the fold' - The idea that when designing a website it needs to be top heavy Thumbnail - preview image Footer - copyright and who site is deigned by etc Main navigation/ menu bar - Used to change from one place to the next, user experience Logo Carousel - The slider which moves screen down (scrollbar) Banner Ad - The Ads that come at the top of the site like a banner Search Box - Used to search other products (web 2.0, 'Above the fold') Social Media icons Hyperreality - more real than real Theories we need to know: Semiotics - Roland Barthes Binary Opposition...