
Showing posts from December, 2017

Curran and Seaton

Curran and Seaton on the need for diversity: Diversity is in the public interest - but modern societies suffer from collective attention deficit disorders {...} the public interest has to work harder to be noticed, and we need agile but resourceful media to do that Similarities between mobile and computers - digital technologies - access to the internet digital technologies are technologies made possible due to the access of computers. Monopoly - The exclusive ownership or control of something advantages - audience manipulation, removes competition  disadvantages - lack of diversity, publishing reviews on their own films Curran and Seaton on Monopoly: It [extends] their range of business and political connections, [increases] their corporation's prestige and, through judicious editorial appointments, [contributes] to the maintenance of public opinion favourable to private enterprise. If you have a monopoly, it means you dominate multiple media industries, focus on c...

Is Cambridge Racist?

Is Cambridge Racist? Cambridge is a city on the River Cam in eastern England, home to the prestigious University of Cambridge, dating to 1209. University colleges include King’s, famed for its choir and towering Gothic chapel, as well as Trinity, founded by Henry VIII, and St John’s, with its 16th-century Great Gate. Recent statistics in the area show that there is a lack of ethnic minority groups in Cambridge University. This is is shown in the photograph below that shows the information collected by researchers at the university.  The statistics show that the majority ethnic group attending the university are white British. This has raised a lot of controversy within the college and around the world. Many people are enraged and believe that if you are not white- British, then you have a slim chance of attending Cambridge university. This has been reflected negatively around the world, allowing ethnic minorities to think that they don't stand a chance in a place like Cam...

House prices in the UK than any other country

House prices higher in the Uk than any other country House Prices in the Uk are shockingly higher than any other country leaving many of the UKs population unable to afford their own houses. First time buyers are finding it extremely hard to find affordable houses in the UK without getting an extremely high mortgage.  House prices in Britain are around 30pc too high, according to a study published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development.  This is leading to a number of UKs citizens thinking about the route of migration where they can get the same paying jobs but are able to afford the house prices. This could be disastrous to the Uk with people leaving there jobs as well as the country.  Many politicians are now rethinking this rise due to the vast amount not being able to afford these properties and have said further action will be taken b the end of February.